Monday, November 21, 2011

Web 2.0 implications?

I'm sure all of you know where this image is from... How did we come to accept this image as indicative of something like Myspace? Did you accept this image? Assign it a value?

Do you ever think about the images associated with brands, services, or people? Do you know the origins of the brands you readily recognize?

From the New York Times Sunday Book Review.

The Design of Symbols
Published: October 21, 2011
The symbols found in airports, hospitals and government buildings are ubiquitous, but few people know where they had their origins.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sentence Deconstruction and Reconstruction

Please post your rewritten sentences here as blog comments and not as blog posts. Great work today! Think about what your classmates are trying to say in each of these sentences. How can you restate these sentences in a manner that is more concise? Do you think it's important to rethink your classmates' tone? Why? Why not?

Here is the list of sentences we read in class.

1. Under situations like these, the author does not realize that his or her information is wrong…instead, he or she believes that whatever he or she is writing is factual and true, for whatever the reason.

2.The major consequences are not only does it take away from traditional dating but we never really know who we are talking to online.

3. Age, gender, sexual orientation, birth place, languages spoken, phone numbers, even area which they are living at.

4.There are definitely much more important things we can be doing besides being noisy and looking at peoples’ pages.

5. However times have changed, technology has advanced and the youth of this generation found a new way to bully by using social networks, cellphones or any other electronic device to harm those they do not like in this generation basic bullying has morphed into cyberbullying but who is at blame and what can we do to stop it.

6. With the incredible use of technology our world today have shape into a more of a message saturated world meaning a world being dominated by technology which is changing the way we communicate by sending, receiving and interpreting messages we encounter every day in our lives.

7. Although visual literacy is a good skill to comprehend, focusing on only the visual will have its backfire.

8. Since many children don't tell anyone about the bullying they experience, it is easy to see some of the negative impact that social media has had on our youth especially.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New iPhone Application!

Application called Find My Friends!

This article is about the Find My Friends application and this guy who found out his wife was cheating on him with this application.

So what do you think about this application? Cool? Creepy?
Personally I find this new application to be scary and creepy.

Just wanted to share this! Have a nice weekend ENG 101!

homework 3: remix



I choose this particular video because my friends really thought that the remix was just as good as the original video with a smaller amount of budget. The singer in this video sound just as great and you can actually focus on the song apposed to the last video which switches the mood every 2 seconds. I personally think many people wouldn't mind listening to this video over and over. I also happened to read the comments many of the viewers actually loved it.

Sharing is caring!

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to create hyperlinks in Blogger!

If you are unsure how to create hyperlinks in Blogger, please see the following tutorial! (Created with Jing!) Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. If you have any questions, please post them!


Part of the process of developing digital literacy is developing an awareness of digital/online privacy. Please the following short Jing video to address issues of privacy. You are not required to make your blog public unless you want to. You are required to share your documents with me via your blog. Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. If you have any questions, please email me!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Love your iPhone!

"As we embrace new technology that does everything but kiss us on the mouth, we risk cutting ourselves off from human interaction. For many, the iPhone has become a best friend, partner, lifeline, companion and, yes, even a Valentine. The man or woman we love most may be seated across from us in a romantic Paris bistro, but his or her 8GB, 16GB or 32GB rival lies in wait inside our pockets and purses."

You Love Your iPhone. Literally.
from New York Times, September 30, 2011

image from Elizabeth Anne Designs

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Looking at the multiple meanings and representations of images

The following images are examples of different forms of user-generated content. One is a piece of artwork, the other is a photograph of a banner, and the last image is a digital image that was created utilizing online sources.

When you look at this image, what do you see? Think about the differences between literal meaning and hidden meaning. What do you understand about this image? Do you recognize the charaters in the image? Do you recognize the setting represented in the image? How does this image represent what is produced, consumed and accepted (or rejected) by your culture?

What do you see in this image? How is this an example of user-generated content? How is it vastly different from the user-generated content produced on Youtube or on Facebook? Are there any literal and hidden meanings? If so, what are they? What sort of background information does one need to possess in order to read and understand the image (and message) of this banner?

This is an image that appeared this weekend on my Facebook feed. Many of my friends were sharing it. A classic form of user-generated content, its producer is unknown yet this image/message/content has spread throughout the internet. What are the literal meanings in this image? What sort of statement is this message trying to convey? What are the specific steps that the producer is making to convey the message in this image?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Were's the reading of "Small Change"

Networks and Social Media

This School Friendship Network plot is from a website called Created by James Moody in 2001, it represents  how students of different races associate themselves within certain networks. Here is a description from the website about this project.

Friendship network of children in a US school. Friendships are determined by asking  the participants, and hence are directed, since A may say that B is their friend but not  vice versa. Vertices are color coded according to race, as marked, and the split from left to right in the figure is clearly primarily along lines of race. The split from top to bottom is between middle school and high school, i.e., between younger and older children.

The colors of the dots in this image represent the following races.
Yellow - White Race
Green - Black Race
Pink - Other  

How would you rationalize the splits that occur between ages and races in this plot? How is this plot similar or dissimilar to your online networks? How else could you group together the members of your social network?